Özgeçmiş Dosyası İndir

Yayınlar & Eserler

Başlık / Konu 
Komurlu, E., 2023. Use of microgrid fiber as a new reinforcement additive to improve compressive and tensile strength values of cemented rock fill mixes. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, Vol. 37 (10), 760-768.04.10.2023  
Komurlu, E., 2023. Effect of stress relaxations under different strain levels on variations in uniaxial compressive strength values of a silt type soil. Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 32, 495-502.06.03.2023  
Komurlu, E., 2023. Investigation of new energy absorbing mechanisms used to fix rock bolt plates. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, onlinefirst article, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPci.2196603.03.2023  
Komurlu, E., Celik, A.G., Gunes, I., 2022. Use of a new insertion apparatus for improving performances of the split set type friction rock bolts. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, Vol. 39, 413-420.03.03.2022  
Komurlu, E. Durmus Demir, A., Celik, A.G., 2020. Investigation of load bearing capacities of grouted rock bolts with new auxetic head designs. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, Vol. 64(3), 782–79106.05.2020  
Komurlu, E., 2020. High-density polyurethane rigid foam usability as liner support material in rock engineering. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol.13, Article no: 42211.04.2020  
Komurlu, E., Demir, S., 2020. Determination of Direct Tensile Strength Values of Rock Materials by a New Test Method of Drilled Disc Tension. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, Vol. 64(1), 33-4103.02.2020  
Komurlu, E., Demir, S., 2019. Length Effect on Load Bearing Capacities of Friction Rock Bolts. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, Vol. 63(3), 718-72508.09.2019  
Komurlu, E., Demir, S., 2019. Drilled Core Specimen Testing Method for Determination of Tensile Strength Values of Rock Materials. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, Vol. 63, 18-2417.02.2019  
Komurlu, E., Durmus Demir, A., 2018. Determination of Cohesion values of Rock Materials using Double Shear Jaws. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, Vol. 62(4), 881-89215.10.2018  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2017. Experimental Study on Usability of Friction Rock Bolts with Plastic Body. International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol. 17(9), Paper no: 0401705824.10.2017  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Demir, A.D., 2017. Dogbone shaped specimen testing method to evaluate tensile strength of rock materials. Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 12(6), pp. 883-898.08.06.2017  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Demir, S., 2016. Determination of Indirect (Splitting) Tensile Strength of Cemented Paste Backfill Materials. Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 775-79101.06.2016  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal A., 2016. An Experimental Study on Reinforcing Rock Columns using Polymeric Heated Ties. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 49, pp. 1995-2003.04.05.2016  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Demir, S., 2016. An Experimental and Numerical Study on Determination of Indirect (Splitting) Tensile Strength of Rocks under Various Load Apparatus. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 53, pp. 360-37207.03.2016  
Komurlu, E., Cihangir, F., Kesimal, A., Demir, S., 2016. Effect of adhesive type on the measurement of elasticity modulus using electrical resistance strain gauges. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 41, No.2, pp. 433-44101.02.2016  
Komurlu E, Kesimal A., 2015. An Experimental Study on Polyurethane Foam Reinforced Soil use as Rock-like Material. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 7(5), pp. 566-572.12.10.2015  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2015. Experimental Study on Sulfide-rich Mine Tailings Usage for Short-term Support Purposes. Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 9, pp. 195-  
Komurlu E, Kesimal A, Hasanpour, R., 2015. In situ horizontal stress effect on plastic zone around circular underground openings excavated in elastic zones. Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 8, pp. 783-799.11.08.2015  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2015. Improved Performance of Rock Bolts using Sprayed Polyurea Coating. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 48, pp. 2179-2182 16.05.2015  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2015. Evaluation of Indirect Tensile Strength of Rocks using Different Types of Jaws. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 48, pp. 1723-173019.03.2015  

Başlık / Konu 
Komurlu, E., Celik, A.G., Karakaya, V., 2024. An experimental study on uniaxial compressive strength values of silicate based resin added sand samples with different types of fiber reinforcements. Yerbilimleri, Bulletin of Hacettepe University Earth Sciences Application and Research Center, Vol. 45(1), 79-  
Komurlu, E., 2023. A resin type additive use to improve load bearing capacities of grouted rock bolts exposed to thermal cycles. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Designs, Vol. 11(2), 743-75428.06.2023  
Komurlu, E., 2023. Blaise Pascalın madencilik tarihinde su atımı konusundaki katkıları. MT Bilimsel, Yeraltı Kaynakları Dergisi, Vol. 23, 47-5613.02.2023  
Komurlu, E., Celik A.G., 2022. An experimental study on stress relaxation behaviour of cement stabilized sands. Journal of Geoengineering, Vol. 17, 187-  
Komurlu, E., 2022. Improving support performances of cone bolts by a new grout additive and energy absorber. Advances in Materials Research, Vol. 11, 237-25001.10.2022  
Komurlu, E., 2022. Case studies on Q-slope method use for slope stability analyses. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, Vol. 44, 190-19701.09.2022  
Komurlu, E., 2021. Improving performances of friction rock bolts by using new spring plates. Scientific Mining Journal, Vol. 60, 131-  
Komurlu, E., Çelik, A.G., 2021. Improving impact energy absorption capacity loss resistivity of thermally cycled cement pastes using a thermoset polymer additive. MT Bilimsel, Journal of Underground Resources, Vol. 20, 119-12701.07.2021  
Komurlu, E., 2021. An investigation of foam concrete usability as a cavity filler material in mining. Geoscience Engineering, Vol. 67, 77-8401.06.2021  
Komurlu, E., 2021. An Experimental Study on Stress Relaxation of a Silt type Soil. Yerbilimleri, Bulletin of Hacettepe University Earth Sciences Application and Research Center, Vol. 42, 70-8401.05.2021  
Komurlu, E., Demir, S., 2021. Investigation of a new drilling design for loading core specimens with triple holes to determine direct tensile strength values of rock materials. Material Design and Processing Communications, Vol. 3, e15401.04.2021  
Komurlu, E., 2020. An Investigation of Using Thermoset Polymer type Liquid Additives to Improve Cement Grout Performances in Rock Bolting Applications. International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, Vol. 6, Article no: 5201.06.2020  
Komurlu, E., 2020. Investigation of Uniaxial Compressive Strength values of a Polyvinyl resin reinforced Silt: An Experimental Study on resin amount and curing temperature. International Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Vol. 2(2), 82-87 (in Turkish)01.04.2020  
Komurlu, E., 2019. Establisment of the First Universities in Turkey until 1960’s. Journal of University Research, Vol. 2, 35-42 (In Turkish)01.04.2020  
Komurlu, E., 2020. An Investigation of Soil Void Ratio Effect on Liquid Limit Values Determined by Different Test Methods. Geoscience Engineering, Vol. 66(3), 150-16101.03.2020  
Komurlu, E., 2020. Specimen Geometry and Loading Rate Condition Effect on Indirect Tensile Strength Values of Rock Materials. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, Vol. 8(1), 139-145 (In Turkish)01.02.2020  
Yasar, S., Komurlu, E., 2020. Water Saturation induced Changes in Indirect (Brazilian) Tensile Strength and the Failure Mode of Some Igneous Rock Materials. Geoscience Engineering, Vol. 66(1), 60-6801.01.2020  
Komurlu, E., Demir, S., 2019. Effect of Poisson’s Ratio and Modulus of Elasticity of Rock Masses on Plastic Zones around Tunnels. MT Bilimsel, Journal of Underground Resources, Vol. 16, 15-23 (In Turkish)01.07.2019  
Komurlu, E., Demir, S., 2019. Use of Rock Mass Rating (RMR) values for Support Designs of Tunnels excavated in Soft Rocks without Squeezing Problem. Geoscience Engineering, Vol. 65(2), 1-1701.04.2019  
Komurlu, E., 2019. An Experimental Study on Determination of Crack Propagation Energy of Rock Materials under Dynamic (Impact) and Static Loading Conditions. Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, 1-601.03.2019  
Komurlu, E., 2019. Thermal Stress Effect on Strength Loss Properties of Rock Materials: An Experimental Study on Thermal Fatigue Resistivity. Journal of Natural Hazards and Environment, Vol. 5, 124-13301.02.2019  
Komurlu, E., 2018. Loading Rate Conditions and Specimen Size Effect on Strength and Deformability of Rock Materials under Uniaxial Compression. International Journal of Geo-Engineering, 9, Paper no: 17, 1-11 01.11.2018  
Komurlu, E., Cihangir, F., Turan, A., Kesimal, A., Erçıkdı, B., 2018. An Experimental Study on Shear Strength of Cemented Paste Backfill Materials. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, Vol. 22, 45-5201.05.2018  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Aksoy, C.O., 2017. Usability of Polyamide-6 (Nylon-6) type polymer material in Rock Bolting. Yerbilimleri, Bulletin of Hacettepe University Earth Sciences Application and Research Center, Vol. 38, 241-258 (in Turkish)01.09.2017  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2017. Usability of Thin Spray-on Liners (TSL) for Akarsen Underground Mine in Murgul (in Turkish). MT Bilimsel, Journal of Underground Resources, Vol. 12, pp. 3-2501.07.2017  
Komurlu, E., 2016. Foundation of Rock Mechanics in Academia (in Turkish), Madencilik Türkiye, Vol. 59, pp. 98-110 (in Turkish)01.12.2016  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2016. Rock Bolting from Past to Present in 20 Inventions. MT Bilimsel, Journal of Underground Resources, Vol. 9, pp. 69-8501.02.2016  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2015. The Usability of Friction Rock bolts with Plastic Body. Scientific Mining Journal, Vol. 54, No. 3-4, pp. 41-59 (in Turkish)01.12.2015  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2013. Tunnelling and Support Materials from Past to Present. Scientific Mining Journal, Vol. 52, pp. 33-47 (in Turkish)01.09.2013  
Komurlu, E., Ozkan F.S., 2013. Diamonds from Past to Present (in Turkish: Tarihten Günümüze Elmaslar), Madencilik Türkiye, Vol. 34, pp. 76-8315.04.2013  

Başlık / Konu 
Komurlu, E., 2024. A comparative investigation on the effect of microgrid fiber type new geosynthetics on the CBR values of a silty sand type soil. National Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnics 2024 (MühJeo 2024), Nevşehir, Turkey, pp. 103-11006.06.2024  
Komurlu, E., 2024. An Evaluation of Mine Support Practices in the First 100 Years of the Republic of Turkey. 5th Conference on Historical Mining Sites of Turkey, Edirne, pp. 10-1402.05.2024  
Komurlu, E., 2023. A case study on low rock material strength values effect on soft rock mass classifications using the RMR system. 3rd International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference, Trabzon, pp. 521-53114.10.2023  
Komurlu, E., 2023. An Experimental Study on the Usability of Polyamide Energy Absorbers with Different Designs for Improving Rock Bolt Performances. 75th Geological Congress of Turkey, Ankara, p. 35013.04.2023  
Komurlu, E., 2022. Use of a new thermoset type grout additive for improving support performances of rock bolts against thermal cycles. 13th Regional Rock Mechanics Symposium of Turkey (Rockmec2022), Isparta, Turkey, pp. 259-26526.05.2022  
Komurlu, E., 2022. An important contribution of Blaise Pascal in mining history. 4th Conference on Historical Mining Sites of Turkey (CHMT2022), Izmir, Turkey, abstract booklet, p. 44. (full manuscript: MT Bilimsel, Journal of Underground Resources, Vol. 23, pp. 47-56, 2023, in Turkish)11.05.2022  
Komurlu, E., 2021. An Investigation of Dense Polymeric Rigid Foam Liner Usability in Rock Engineering. 5th Early Career Forum of ISRM within European Rock Mechanics Symposium 2021 (Eurock 2021), Torino, Italy, Proceeding no: ECF008.24.09.2021  
Komurlu, E., 2020. A Brief History of Establishment of Mining Engineering Department of Karadeniz Technical University. 2nd Mining Engineering Symposium (MES2020), Trabzon, Turkey (Accepted, postponded event due to the the Covid-19 Pandemia)24.05.2021  
Komurlu, E., 2020. Start of Coal Mining in the Ottoman Empire Era. 3rd Conference on Historical Mining Sites of Turkey (CHMT 2020), Trabzon, Turkey, pp. 19-24 (in Turkish)15.10.2020  
Komurlu, E., 2019. Investigation of Failure of Soils in the Shear Box Test. National Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnics 2019 (MühJeo 2019), Denizli, Turkey, pp. 97-104 (in Turkish)25.09.2019  
Komurlu, E., Demir, S., 2019. Use of Drilled Core Specimens in Direct Tensile Strength Tests of Rock Materials. 72nd Geological Congress of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 447-44811.04.2019  
Komurlu, E., Demir, S., 2019. Effect of Poisson’s Ratio and Modulus of Elasticity of Rock Masses on Plastic Zone around Tunnels. Mining Engineering Symposium 2019 (MES2019), Trabzon, Turkey, p. 7 (in Turkish)29.03.2019  
Komurlu, E., 2018. Support Performances of Elastomer type Thin Spray-on Liners against the Rock Burst: A Case Study. 12th Regional Rock Mechanics Symposium of Turkey (Rockmec2018), Trabzon, pp. 255-26104.10.2018  
Komurlu, E., 2018. Synopsis on History of Mining in Murgul. 2nd Conference on Historical Mining Sites of Turkey (CHMT 2018), Trabzon, Turkey, pp. 21-22 (abstract in Turkish and in English)02.10.2018  
Komurlu, E., 2018. Loading Rate Condition and Specimen Size Effect On Uniaxial Compression Test For Rock And Cementitious Artificial Materials. 71th Geological Congress of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 623-624 (abstract in Turkish and in English)10.04.2018  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal A., 2017. An Experimental Study on Determination of Crack Propagation Energies of Granite type Different Rock Materials under Impact Effect (in Turkish). National Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnics 2017 (MühJeo 2017), Adana, Turkey, 12-14 October, 2017, pp. 231-238 (in Turkish)12.10.2017  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2017. Use of Plastic Composites as Friction Rock Bolt Materials. Regional African Rock Mechanics Symposium 2017 (Afrirock 2017), Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 123-14205.10.2017  
Komurlu, E., Demir, A.D., 2017. A Numerical Modelling Study on Performance of Thin Spray-on (TSL) Liners. 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Tukey (IMCET 2017), Antalya, Turkey, pp. 105-11217.03.2017  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2017. Usability of Thin Spray-on Liners (TSL) for Akarsen Underground Mine in Murgul. 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Tukey (IMCET 2017), Antalya, Turkey, pp. 89-10417.03.2017  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2016. Improvement of support performances of rock bolts with Polyurea coating (In Turkish). XVIth National Soil Mechanincs and Foundation Engineering Congress of Turkey, Erzurum/Turkey, pp. 439-446 (In Turkish)14.10.2016  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Demir, S., 2016. Spraying Membrane Layer Effect on Load Bearing Performance of Concrete Liners. European Rock Mechanics Symposium 2016 (EUROCK 2016), Cappadocia, Turkey, pp. 715-719 10.09.2016  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Durmus Demir, A., 2016. A Numerical Study for Determining Ideal Size and Geometry of Dog bone shaped direct tensile strength test specimens. European Rock Mechanics Symposium 2016 (EUROCK 2016), Cappadocia, Turkey, pp. 325-33010.09.2016  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Ercikdi, B., 2016. An Experimental Study on Determination of Indirect (splitting) Tensile Strength of Rock Materials using Loading Arcs with Various Contact Angles. International Black Sea Mining and Tunnelling Symposium 2016, Trabzon, Turkey, pp. 223-22905.06.2016  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2015. Rock Bolting from Past to Present in 20 Inventions. 1st Conference on Historical Mining Sites of Turkey, Trabzon, Turkey, pp. 68-87 04.12.2015  
Ucuncuoglu, A., Komurlu, E., 2015. A General view on mining history of Gumushane city in Ottoman Era (in Turkish). 1st Conference on Historical Mining Sites of Turkey, Trabzon, Turkey, pp. 99-105 (In Turkish)04.12.2015  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Özkan F.S., 2015. Use of Various Loading Apparatus in Indirect (Brazilian) Tensile Strength test of Rock Materials (in Turkish). National Symposium on Engineering Geology 2015 (MühJeo 2015), Trabzon, Turkey, pp. 238-245 (In Turkish)05.09.2015  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Demir, S., 2015. A Numerical Study on Deformation Measurement of Rock Materials using Electrical Resistance Strain Gauges: Investigation of Adhesive Type and Thickness Effect. 24th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET 2015), Antalya, Turkey, pp. 407-41215.04.2015  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Colak, U., 2014. Polyurea type Thin Spray-on Liner Coating to Prevent Rock Bolt Corrosion. 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, pp. 1389-1397, Sapporo, Japan.12.09.2014  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal A., 2013. New Support Materials for Forepoling and Umbrella Applications (in Turkish). 3rd International Symposium and Exhibition on Underground Excavations for Transportation. 29-30 November, İstanbul/Turkey, pp. 423-435.30.11.2013  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Ercikdi, B., 2013. An Investigation of Uncemented Paste Backfill Applicability. And, Consolidation Effects on Inaccuracy of Paste Backfill in situ Strength Estimation by Laboratory Tests. 23th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Tukey (IMCET 2013), pp. 1017-1024, Antalya, Turkey.24.03.2013  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., Bekar, H., 2013. Effects of Fly Ash Usage on Concrete Flexural Strength Reinforcing Efficiency of Steel Fiber. 23th International Congress and Exhibition of Tukey (IMCET 2013), pp. 597-609, Antalya, Turkey24.03.2013  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2012. Polymer Fiber and Steel Fiber Comparision as Concrete Additive. 16th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, pp. 1129-1137, İstanbul, Turkey.15.10.2012  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2012. New Engineering Materials for Underground Constructions. 16th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, pp. 307-319, İstanbul, Turkey15.10.2012  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal A., 2012. Jaw Effect on Indirect Tensile Strength Test Disk Failure Mechanism. 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, pp. 624-637, Seoul, South Korea.24.09.2012  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2012. Using Sprayed Polymer as Tunnel Support. 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, pp. 1486-1499, Seoul, South Korea24.09.2012  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2012. Investigation of polyurethane reinforced soil strength (in Turkish). XIVth National Soil Mechanincs and Foundation Engineering Congress of Turkey, Isparta/Turkey, pp. 631-642 (in Turkish)07.05.2012  
Komurlu, E., Kesimal, A., 2011. Effect of Polymer Fiber on the Shotcrete Tunnel Support. RockMec’2011, Xth Regional Rock Mechanics Symposium. Ankara/Turkey, pp. 47-55 (in Turkish)08.12.2011  

Başlık / Konu 
Komurlu, E., 2024. Doğu’nun İlk İki Üniversitesinin Kuruluş Tarihçeleri üzerine Karşılaştırmalı bir İnceleme (Chapter title in English: A Comparative Review on Foundation Histories of the Earliest Two Universities of the East), In Book: “Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Öyküleri 10”, TMMOB, Ankara, pp. 57-89, ISBN: 978-605-01-1638-0 (in Turkish)10.06.2024  
Komurlu, E., 2024. Kaya Mekanikçiker için Bilim Tarihi Notları. Mayeb Press Company, Ankara, ISBN: 978-605-72270-2-7 (in Turkish)19.03.2024  
Komurlu, E., 2022. Technical English of Geomechanics: Terms, Translation and Question Examples, Mayeb Press Company, Ankara, ISBN: 978-605-72270-0-320.01.2023  
Aksoy, C.O., Komurlu, E., 2017. Temel Kaya Mekaniği (Chapter title in English: Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics), In Book: “Temel Madencilik Bilgileri” (In Turkish), Mayeb Press Company, Ankara, pp. 1-69, ISBN: 978-605-64724-1-114.09.2017  
Aksoy, C.O., Komurlu, E., 2017. Tahkimat (Chapter title in English: Support), In Book: “Temel Madencilik Bilgileri” (In Turkish), Mayeb Press Company, Ankara, pp. 69-137, ISBN: 978-605-64724-1-114.09.2017  

Başlık / Konu 
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