Özgeçmiş Dosyası İndir

Proje,Patent ve Tasarım

Effect of different geofiber types on the liquefaction resistance of a sandy silt type soil”, Giresun University Scientific Research Project (GRUBAP-A type project), accepted in March 2024, Members of project: Eren Komurlu, Atila Gurhan Celik, Project ID: FEN-BAP-A-290224-02, ongoing projectProje Yürütücüsü01.04.2024
“Use of microgrid fiber for soil reinforcement as a new type of geosynthetics”, Giresun University Scientific Research Project (GRUBAP-A type project), Members of project: Eren Komurlu, Atila Gurhan Celik (accepted in April 2023), Project ID: FEN-BAP-A-090323-24Proje Yürütücüsü01.04.2024
“An investigation of the stress relaxation effect on the mechanical parameters of different type cohesive soils”. Giresun University Scientific Research Project (GRUBAP-A type project), Project ID: FEN-BAP-A-240222-45 (final report has been delivered in February 2023). Members of Project: Eren Komurlu (GRU), Atila Gürhan Çelik (GRU)Proje Yürütücüsü01.04.2023
“Usability of Insilex branded silicate-based grouting material in underground coal mining”, Payer: FMY Chemical Inc. Co., Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered in November 2022)Proje Yürütücüsü14.12.2022
“Investigation of the strength values of various concrete mixtures prepared by using different rock materials in the vicinity of Lahanos Enterprise of ETI Bakir Inc. Co.”, Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered in August 2022), Payer: ETI Bakir Inc. Co., duty in project: coordinatorProje Yürütücüsü25.08.2022
“Geotechnical investigations for new mineral processing plant foundations in the Kızılkaya district”, Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered in July 2022), Payer: ETI Bakir Inc. Co., duty in project: coordinatorProje Yürütücüsü21.07.2022
“Geotechnical investigations for mineral processing plant tailings accumulation site of the Kızılkaya open pit mine”, Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered in June 2022), Payer: ETI Bakir Inc. Co., duty in project: coordinatorProje Yürütücüsü21.06.2022
“Geotechnical investigations for the waste dump-site of the Kızılkaya open pit mine”. Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered in May 2022), Payer: ETI Bakir Inc. Co., duty in project: coordinatorProje Yürütücüsü21.05.2022
“Slope stability analyses for Kızılkaya open pit mine in Espiye district”. Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered in April 2022), Payer: ETI Bakir Inc. Co., duty in project: coordinatorProje Yürütücüsü13.04.2022
“A wall element with light aggregate production and determination of mechanical properties” Giresun University Scientific Research Project (GRUBAP-A type project), Project ID: FEN-BAP-A-270220-29 (final report has been delivered in January 2022). Members of Project: Atila Gürhan Celik (GRU), Eren Komurlu (GRU), Kadir Akgöl (GRU), Hayri Metin Numanoglu (GRU)Araştırmacı01.04.2022
“A new pre-compression plate design study to improve insertion practicality and support performances of split set type friction rock bolts”. Giresun University Scientific Research Project (GRUBAP-A type project), Project ID: FEN-BAP-A-250221-16 (final report has been delivered in April 2022). Members of Project: Eren Komurlu (GRU), Atila Gürhan Çelik (GRU), Ibrahim Gunes (GRU) Proje Yürütücüsü01.04.2022
“Subsidence investigations for Sogukpinar underground mine of the ETİ Bakir Inc. Co. Lahanos exploitation management”. Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered in March 2022), Payer: ETI Bakir Inc. Co., duty in project: coordinatorProje Yürütücüsü17.03.2022
“Support design for main haulage galleries of Çakmakkaya Underground Mine of ETI Bakir Inc. Co.”. Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered in March 2022), Payer: Eti Bakir Inc. Co., duty in project: coordinatorProje Yürütücüsü09.03.2022
“Slope design for Kovanlık quarry in Bulancak district”. Giresun University Circulating Capital Project. Payer: ORBEL Inc. Co., Members of Project: Atila Gürhan Celik (GRU), Eren Komurlu (GRU), final report has been delivered in May 2021Araştırmacı13.05.2021
“Usability of Fenolic Foam products of FMY Chemical Inc. Co. for Cavity filling in mining operations”, Payer: FMY Chemical Inc. Co., Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered in April 2021). Members of working group: Eren Komurlu (GRU), Atila Gürhan Celik (GRU)Proje Yürütücüsü29.04.2021
“Investigation of load bearing capacities of grouted rock bolts with auxetic heads” Giresun University Scientific Research Project (GRUBAP-A type project), Project ID: FEN-BAP-A-270220-29, Starting time: April 2020, final report has been delivered, time to finish project: April 2021, Members of Project: Eren Komurlu (GRU), Atila Gürhan Çelik (GRU)Proje Yürütücüsü01.04.2021
“Support and pillar designs for Germece Underground Salt Mine”, Karadeniz Technical University Circulating Capital Project (final report has been delivered in December 2020), Payer: Safir Tuz Food, Mining, Marketing and Construction Inc. Co., Members of Project: Ayhan Kesimal (KTU), Bayram Ercikdi (KTU), Ferdi Cihangir (KTU), Ayberk Kaya (RTEU), Eren Komurlu (GRU)Araştırmacı07.12.2020
“Use of Full Domestic Products in Concrete Designs of Espiye Energy and Construction Ltd. Co.” Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered, time to finish project: April 2020), Members of Project: Atila Gurhan Celik (GRU), Eren Komurlu (GRU), Payer: Espiye Energy and Construction Ltd. Co.Araştırmacı01.04.2020
“Investigation of the ideal method and specimen properties in tests for determination of the Atterberg limits in consideration of the void ratio effect”. Giresun University Scientific Research Project (GRUBAP-A type project), Project ID: FEN-BAP-A-150219-27, Final report has been delivered. Time to finish Project: March 2020, Members of Project: Eren Komurlu (GRU), Atila Gürhan Çelik (GRU)Proje Yürütücüsü30.03.2020
“Use of Full Domestic Products in Concrete Designs of Bulancak Beton Inc. Co.” Giresun University Circulating Capital Project (Final report has been delivered, time to finish project: March 2020), Members of Project: Atila Gurhan CELİK (GRU), Eren KOMURLU (GRU), Payer: Bulancak Beton Inc. CoAraştırmacı01.03.2020
“Cemented Rock Fill Design for Cerattepe Underground Mine” Karadeniz Technical University Circulating Capital Project (Report has been delivered, time to finish project: November 2017), Payer: ETI Bakır Inc. Co., Members of Project: Ayhan Kesimal (KTU), Eren Komurlu (KTU)Araştırmacı16.11.2017
“Use of Friction Rock Bolts with Plastic Body”, Karadeniz Technical University Scientific Research Project (BAP02), Project ID: 5396, Completed Project (Final report has been delivered, time to finish project: March 2017), Duty in Project: Researcher, Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kesimal.Araştırmacı10.03.2017
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